

... in both meanings of the term, as I'm not sure whether I'm too into these two; but per happy request--
Both pictures  are GIMP'd from a badly processed 1hr lab developed film!
 (click on any pic to enlarge)
'Triple Y Tree'

'Nighttime Freak'



Winter so far this year has been a slow ride, and so it seems a good time to rummage through the 200+ pics saved for one reason or another on the ol' laptop over the past year; it's amazing the things kept, but it always amazes me also how with a little software help many can be salvaged into something different. -example in point is today's single addition as a GIMP'd adjustment of springtime honeysuckle. Sure it's not exactly free of imperfections due to another shallow DOF done on Macro and natural light, but the panoramic crop gave it a quite a feeling of the thing. My only consternation is that it was shot in jpg not RAW ..arrrg.. the agonies..
Also as I've mostly been perusing the blogs and other sites I normally keep track of, there is an addition of these to the sidebar opposite. Feel free to browse, but dont be shocked if something's learned along the way.. cheers!
and Stevie my boy, I'll have to rummage thru my 35mm negs to find those dead trees you love so much.. 
(click on the pic to enlarge)
"Honeysuckle Procession", natural light, GIMP adjusted